My Range of Services.
Other Services Provided
Improve sports performance, reduce pain, improve injury prevention, and improve tensegrity of the body with self-myofascial work using various tools (small dense ball, lacrosse ball, and foam roller). I can design a specific routine for you based on injury or design a full-body focus for general fitness.
Are you looking for a fun, high energy, and healthy getaway with your friends or family? Tell me what you are looking for and I can make it happen. Included in the price will be accommodations, all healthy meals cooked by Brandi (learn valuable strategies for meal planning, and food prep to take home with you), daily fitness classes (strength training, pilates, barre, yoga, bootcamp options), daily outdoors adventure based on location (hiking, biking, kayaking, paddle boarding, etc) and end the evening with proper recovery techniques (meditation, yin yoga, gentle stretching, myofascial work). You will feel refreshed, vibrant, and ready to take on all life challenges when you return.
Need the accountability, motivation to get your workouts done at home with no or minimal equipment needed? Join me weekly for live classes that change weekly. I will focus on full body strength using only your body weight or workouts with only a set of dumbbells/kitchen chair. I teach everything from tabata, full body strength, ballet barre, mat pilates, yoga, and a fusion of all formats. If you are unable to join for the “live” classes, no problem. I record all workouts so you can purchase the video and have a killer workout when it is convenient for you. Great way to build an exercise library at home for future use.
Are you participating in a sport and like to take it to the next level? Are you constantly getting sidelined due to overuse injuries? I can design a sport-specific program for you and/or your team that can enhance your power, strength, agility, mobility, proprioception, balance, endurance, and injury prevention.
I will conduct monthly workshops that will cover a myriad of health and fitness topics such as nutrition, how to treat common injuries, myofascial techniques, hormonal health, and more. If there is a specific topic that you would like more about, just contact me directly.
If you would like a brochure of my services you can download here:
If interested in learning more about the services I provide and how they can benefit you please contact me at [email protected] or (425) 753-5169.